Sunday, January 13, 2013


It's 2013. Wow.

10 years ago, 2013 does not even sound like a reality. In 2003, 2013 sounds like a year where cars will be flying in the air, everything is done by robots... the typical futuristic world (okay maybe that's 2030, but you get my point). But here we are, man are still walking on the ground, we still get stuck taking trains that break down every so often and maids, not robots, are helping with our household chores.

Yet, despite that, there has been much changes. Changes in technology seems to be one of the biggest, from 2G to 3G to 4G in a short span of time.. with kids as young as as a few months old using iPhones/ iPads and the likes. It's scary how fast and drastic the world is changing in that aspect.

2013, new year new beginning. When I visited my blog, I cringed at the negativity, sadness and anger I saw. Therefore, I decided to archive all of my previous posts and start afresh.

2012 was a year that called for courage. It was a year of many 'firsts'. 2013 is going to be a year of faith. It will be a year of major decisions.

Like every year, the beginning of the year prompts an urge to set new resolutions. Unlike every year, I will try to keep them this year (so I say). Limiting myself to just 10 measurable resolutions may make this a more achievable task.


1) To make a new friend a month

2) Keep in touch with old friends (Meeting each of my close friends at least once in 2 months)

3) Making an effort to hang out with the family (Going out for dinner/ activities once every month)

4) Pick up a new skill/ join a class/ participate in a CIP

5) Cook more/ Improve photography skills


5) Improving physical fitness - Work out at LEAST once a week, work towards 3 times a week

7) Drink water (at least 1.2l everyday!)

8) Use masks religiously


9) Financial planning (Buy insurance, track expenses and savings)


10) Trust. Think then react.

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